An election entertainment_Plate I - William Hogarth

An election entertainment_Plate I 

Medium Copper engravingDate 1822
ArtistWilliam HogarthEngraverWilliam Hogarth
Size Sheet63 x 48,5 cm.Image Size53,5 x 40,5 cm.

Canvassing for votes_Plate II - William Hogarth

Canvassing for votes_Plate II 

Medium Copper engravingDate 1822
ArtistWilliam HogarthEngraverWilliam Hogarth
Size Sheet63 x 48,5 cm.Image Size53,5 x 40,5 cm.

The polling_Plate III - William Hogarth

The polling_Plate III 

Medium Copper engravingDate 1822
ArtistWilliam HogarthEngraver William Hogarth
Size Sheet63 x 48,5 cm.Image Size53,5 x 40,5 cm.

Chairing the members_Plate IV - William Hogarth

Chairing the members_Plate IV 

Medium Copper engravingDate 1822
ArtistWilliam HogarthEngraverWilliam Hogarth
Size Sheet63 x 48,5 cm.Image Size53,5 x 40,5 cm.

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